How to cd to a Directory with a name containing space(s) in Command Prompt

In command prompt, to cd into a directory with a name containing spaces, you need to use the cd command, followed by the name of the directory (the directory containing spaces) in quotation marks. This is what I mean: cd "directory name with space(s)" where: directory name with space(s) is the name of the directory you want to change to. Note: Do not use the single quotes in this command. It will not work....

April 6, 2023 · 1 min · Jima Victor

How to add and remove Event Listeners with Parameters

Event listeners are a very important part of web development. From mouse clicks to keyboard presses and event touch events. These event listeners help make our applications interactive. And while it may be easy to add them in javascript, it isn’t exactly straightforward when it comes to removing them. Especially when parameters are involved. In this tutorial, I am going to be showing you how you can add and remove Event Listeners with Parameters in javascript....

March 24, 2023 · 3 min · Jima Victor

4 ways to remove click events from html elements

In this tutorial, we’re going to learn four ways in which we can remove a click event from an HTML element. There may be more ways than four, of which I am not aware of, so please do well to leave them in the comments below if I haven’t listed what you know. So for this tutorial, we are going to be using a button. Let’s get started. Removing pointer-events in CSS The first method on the list, is removing pointer-events in CSS....

February 26, 2023 · 3 min · Jima Victor

How to convert mp4 to mp3 using python

In this tutorial, I am going to be showing you how to convert mp4 files to mp3, using python. In order to do this, we’re going to be using the MoviePy library in python, and it’s only going to take about three lines of code. Yes! Three lines of code. That’s the beauty of python for a lazy programmer😁. Let’s begin. What is MoviePy MoviePy is a Python library for video editing, manipulation, and processing....

January 15, 2023 · 3 min · Jima Victor

How to Create a Flip Card with CSS

In this tutorial, we’re going to be learning how to build out a flip card using html and CSS. Prerequisites This tutorial assumes basic knowledge of HTML and CSS: including topics such as flexbox, CSS pseudo selectors and how to properly layout elements using CSS. This tutorial is not for absolute beginners, and as such, will not explain every basic concept. Before we start, I will like to explain the step-by-step process we’re going to follow in order to build out this flip card....

November 27, 2022 · 6 min · Jima Victor