Event listeners in JavaScript are mostly added than they are removed.

Most times when event listeners are removed, they are done for the purpose of adding extra functionality to an application. Other times, they are removed to improve the performance of an application.

In a situation where elements are dynamically added or removed from the DOM, to prevent memory leaks, It is important to remove event listeners from elements that are no longer in the DOM.

In JavaScript, the removeEventListener method helps us remove JavaScript event listeners.

RemoveEventListener Method

The removeEventListener method is used in JavaScript to remove an event listener previously added to an element with the addEventListener method. It allows you to stop listening for a specific event on that element, preventing associated event handlers from being executed when the event occurs.

RemoveEventListener Syntax

The syntax for removing an event listener in JavaScript using removeEventListener is:

element.removeEventListener(event, listenerFunction, options);


  • element is the DOM element from which to remove the event listener.
  • event is a string representing the event type (e.g., “click”, “mouseover”, “keydown”).
  • listenerFunction is the function to remove from the event listener.
  • options (optional) is an object specifying options that may affect the removal.

Removing Click Event Listener

This example shows how to remove a click event listener from a button.

// Suppose you have an element with ID 'myButton' and you want to remove the click event listener attached to it.

const myButton = document.getElementById('myButton');

// Function to handle click event
function handleClick() {
    console.log('Button clicked!');

// Adding click event listener
myButton.addEventListener('click', handleClick);

// Removing click event listener
myButton.removeEventListener('click', handleClick);